Thursday, July 12, 2012

"For The Honor"

I sit here today, reflecting on memories of childhood. 
What wonderful memories of tons of Aunts and Uncles. Who actually are my Great Aunts and Uncles.  Who are an amazing display of the kindness and greatness of Jesus love in the flesh form of humans.  Yesterday Jesus welcomed my Aunt Peggy Hines into His loving arms and I am positive he said “well done my good and faithful servant”.   

She had a graciousness about her that she cared deeply and kept anything that had to do with her family. She would pull out the books and show them to anyone who visited her. 

My Uncle Sam her husband has the best laugh. I can hear it as I sit here writing. It is filled with such Joy.
It has often been a comfort over the years remembering my pap and all his siblings laughing and carrying on at family times. When my pap died I was nine and I can still feel the hug Uncle Sam and Aunt Peggy gave that was so full of love. Everyone in the Hines and Matthew families seem to have this in common a deep affection that brings with it unspeakable Joy and love wrapped in graciousness. 

Our family has even 2 Peggy Hines’ one was my Father’s Aunt Peggy, the other is my mom! The most important things in life really are whatever the Father is doing.  I am looking to Jesus to whisper what God the Father wants me to do in this time. He already gave a way for ministry here in AR for this weekend. Over the years with each death of a relative, friend, or life threatening illness or accident I take the time to feel and respond to the nudge. 

The nudge is ever so gentle but there with a strong firm love…asking me….Are you about My Father’s business….Are you giving ALL the Joy, Love, peace, patience , gentleness, kindness, self-control that you have been given?.....Are you willing to sacrifice to love deeply and well…. Are you willing to give what can last a lifetime…. As I am thinking about these things….I was given each of these by a family that is not blood but a bond found in Jesus through adoption. 

God’s goodness and mercies are abounding in our everyday lives. Why is it; it takes the life is but a vapor to get our attention? Jesus has been using the Holy Spirit to impart this all along. Why must it take an abrupt halt to our lives for us to listen to the whispers?  Father, I am so sorry for all the times I have not listened well or followed through on this nudge. I ask your forgiveness and the forgiveness of those whom I have not left a lasting love and deep remembrance of Jesus and The Father.  I ask The Holy Spirit of Truth to rest upon me and speak so much firmer and with a resounding in my deepest innermost to love well, to love deeper, to forgive more, to forgive deeper, and to give away the most precious parts of my love you Father. Let me love without regrets. Please Father Let my children, family, friends, and future family, future grandchild, future son-loves, future daughter in love know this deeply for an eternity that I loved not only Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit deeply but that it reflects onto them as a love for them. Let it be a source that carries them back to the Father in a time of need or grief. Let this be just like it has been impart and freely given over to me. This is such an enormous legacy of loving deeply not just here on earth but from the throne room of Heaven.

I am so Thankful for Aunt Peggy and Uncle Sam. I am more thankful for each person in our large family that loves the Father and in turn loves each of us with more than enough. I know we don’t have the big family get-togethers like we did when I was a kid. I am not sure why but it is a shame that we aren’t loving as deeply as we once did. I think this may need to change. I want this type of love to last and bring us back to heaven in our times of grief, tragedy, or loss. 

I see heaven invading this place. All of the Glory is for you God. I Praise your name Jesus! God I look to you I won’t’ be overwhelmed. Give me wisdom, you are where my help come from!  Give vision to see like you do. I will love you Lord my strength, I will love you Lord my shield, I will love you my Rock, I will love you for all my days!

I leave you to listen and soak in The Honor of the Father! Jesus lives and I will Honor Him forever!!!