Wednesday, November 17, 2010

God is Challenging my ways....

Okay, So, I have been challenged by God to reevaluate my FB friends who I accepted based on we go to the same church or they know a few of my friends or I went to High school with....I let them into my life but should I? Are they the people in real life I would spend my spare time with? Do I even know where they live? Could I call them if I needed?

We teach our kids that being Christ like, loving like, and serving like Christ is wonderful. It is what we are created to be. We also teach them that who you spend your spare time with is who you let speak into your life. What are they speaking? Do you like listening? Do they lead you to Christ and the Word of God? Do they build you and in turn you build them. Is the Kingdom growing because of this relationship? Are you changed for the better? Are you challenged for the better? What is the real fruit?

Right now I don't have a clear answer. Some in my family argue that I may be building while gaining nothing from those who look at my FB. But I say is this God's way for me. Should I have a separate one for those I choose to have a deeper friendship with? I have learned you cannot share all your struggles with just any one. It has to be a friend who is helping you sharpen in Christ and you them in Christ. Someone God chooses to build each of you during the friendship, fun times, low time and the all out war times. Someone who makes you better in the battle for Gods Life.

 Proverbs 27:17 You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another.

 But then I read in Matthew Chapter 5 about Salt and Light.... and loving your enemies... When reading the message version of this chapter I was hit square in the eye about what I have been teaching the kids. I want them to reach the world but not become the world. I truly believe there has to be a balance.

Our family is going through a fire, a war, a persecution of sorts, and we have been shaken to the very core of our foundation in Christ. I have found that God is my solid rock on which no matter what I cannot be torn from. He is who I run to in prayer for strength, comfort, and my creative identity. He loves, lifts, restores, repairs, forgives, and make us back into right standing in a moment! All we have to do is come to him and let him be who is and has been for all of eternity. Savior, Redeemer, Light, Love, Comfort, Friend, Counselor.

We found out who those people are who speak life from God into us and those who will not speak to you when a war rages at your door. The sad part is we consistently sought God and begged Him to bring all things to Light and His Love to bring forth His Glory in the end of all the junk.

God did just that at a very rapid speed. We have been shaken, in despair, completely heartbroken, grief like never before and can say God never left but always upheld us. We are a stronger individuals and a stronger family all because we look to God and not man for our identity.This is the truth of the current situation.

So, I am going to keep the FB just the way it is and remember to go to God FIRST, and PRAY keeping my eyes and heart focused on Heaven so that I may not fall into a sin trap set up by evil but be God's Light and Salt in spite of the world. I will leave you with this verse that God used to smack me back into the Light and out of hiding who God is to me and what he wants from my life. 

Matthew 5:48"In a word, what I'm saying is, Grow up. You're kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you."

I adore and LOVE My Father God who is amazing to me all the time!


  1. This is definitely a challenge for me as well. I have some people on my Facebook list for no other reason than they requested to be my friend. And then others to whom I have done the very same thing. I actually went through and cut my list by about 50 people because I either had to hide their updates for language/content, used to know them but haven't seen or spoken to them in years, or really didn't know them to begin with. But, I'm beginning to wonder...are the random people I barely know that request me because we know common people divinely inspired to do so? Is there more that I should be speaking into their lives? Or, am I allowing them to speak too much into mine? Hmm...

    Thanks for addressing this. It gives me a new angle to consider. I'll call you soon...

  2. Wow. This is something that has been on my mind all week. It's absolutely amazing how God will give you something to help you along. Just absolutely amazing. Thank you so much for letting God use you!

